New Data Shows Pfizer Vax Is Almost Useless in Preventing COVID Infection in Kids Age 5 to 11

Rachel Olding / The Daily Beast

A huge batch of data collected by New York State has shown disappointing findings: The Pfizer vaccine offers next to no protection against coronavirus infection for kids age 5 to 11 and is less effective at preventing hospitalization compared to adults and teens. The study of almost a million vaccinated kids showed that the jab offered almost no protection against infection, even in the first few weeks after vaccination. While the jab is still effective at preventing serious illness, its effectiveness in preventing hospitalization for older children dropped to 73 percent and for younger children it dropped to 48 percent. However, health officials cautioned that the estimates have a wide margin of error because child hospitalizations are so rare. The New York Times reports the results may stem from the fact young kids get a much lower dose than teens and adults. Pfizer’s jab is the only vaccine authorized for kids age 5 to 11.